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Sampah adalah bahan yang tidak mempunyai nilai atau tidak berharga untuk maksud biasa atau dalam pembikinan atau pemakaian barang rusak atau bercacat dalam pembikinan manufaktur atau materi berkelebihan. Sampah adalah suatu barang yang terbuang atau dibuang dari sumber hasil aktivitas manusia maupun proses alam yang belum memiliki nilai ekonomis.

Berikut ini pengertan sampah dari berbagai sumber:

  • Sampah adalah sesuatu yang tidak berguna lagi, dibuang oleh pemiliknya atau pemakai semula. Tanjung, D. M.Sc. 
  • Sampah adalah sumber daya yang tidak siap pakai. Radyastuti, W. Prof. Ir (1996) 
  • Sampah merupakan barang yang dianggap sudah tidak terpakai dan dibuang oleh pemiliknya/pemakai sebelumnya, tetapi masih bias dipakai atau dikelola dengan prosedur yang benar. Basriyanta. 
  • Sampah adalah bahan yang tidak mempunyai nilai atau tidak berharga untuk digunakan secara biasa atau khusus dalam produksi atau pemakaian; barang rusak atau cacat selama manufaktur; atau materi berlebihan atau buangan. Kamus Lingkungan (1994)
  • Sampah adalah barang yang kita miliki tetapi sama sekali tidak pernah ada gunanya. Prie G. S.
  • Sampah adalah suatu bahan yang terbuang atau dibuang dari sumber hasil aktivitas manusia maupun proses alam yang belum memiliki nilai ekonomis. ECOLINK (1996)
  • Sampah merupakan bahan padat buangan dari kegiatan rumah tangga, pasar, perkantoran, rumah penginapan, hotel, rumah makan, industry ataupun aktivitas manusia lainnya sehingga dengan kata lain, sampah merupakan hasil sampingan dari aktivitas manusia yang sudah tidak terpakai. Setyo Purwendro.
  • Sampah merupakan konsekuensi dari adanya aktivitas manusia. Setiap aktivitas manusia pasti menghasilkan sampah. Wijaya Jati.
  • Sampah merupakan produk buangan yang pada umumnya berbentuk benda padat, dengan komposisi bahan organik dan anorganik. Darmadi. 
Berangkat dari pandangan tersebut sehingga sampah dapat dirumuskan sebagai bahan sisa dari kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Sampah yang harus dikelola dapat dikelompokkan menjadi:

  • Sampah Organik 
Sampah organik terdiri dari bahan-bahan penyusun tumbuhan dan hewan yang diambil dari alam atau dihasilkan dari kegiatan pertanian, perikanan atau yang lain. Sampah ini dengan mudah diuraikan dalam proses alami, sampah rumah tangga biasanya juga merupakan sampah organik, misalnya sampah dapur, sisa tepung, sayuran dll.
  • Sampah Anorganik 
Sampah anorganik berasal dari sumber daya alam tak terbaharui, seperti mineral, minyak bumi atau proses industry. Beberapa dari bahan ini tidak terdapat di alam seperti plastik dan aluminium. Sebagian zat anorganik secara keseluruhan tidak dapat diuraikan oleh alam, sedang sebagian lainnya hanya dapat diuraikan dalam waktu yang sangat lama. Sampah jenis ini pada tingkat rumah tangga misalnya berupa botol, tas plastik, kaleng. Kertas, Koran dan karton merupakan pengecualian. Berdasarkan asalnya, kertas, Koran dan karton merupakan sampah organik. Tetapi karena kertas, Koran dan karton dapat didaur ulang seperti sampah anorganik lain (missal gelas, kaleng dan plastik), maka dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok sampah anorganik.

Dilihat dari waktu ke waktu, pemakaian kantong plastik di masyarakat sangatlah tinggi, dan didasarkan dari penjabaran tentang pengelompokkan jenis sampah diatas, telah kita ketahui jika sampah plastik merupakan sampah anorganik. Kantong plastik yang telah menjadi sampah akan berbahaya dan sulit dikelola.

Diperlukan waktu 1000 tahun untuk plastik dapat terurai oleh tanah secara dekomposisi atau terurai dengan sempurna. Ini adalah waktu yang sangat lama. Saat terurai, partikel-partikel plastik akan mencemari tanah dan air tanah.

Jika dibakar, sampah plastik akan menghasilkan asap beracun yang berbahaya di udara sebagai dioksin. Senyawa ini sangat berbahaya bila terhirup manusia. Dampaknya antara lain memicu depresi. Kantong plastik juga menyebabkan banjir, karena menyumbat saluran-saluran air dan tanggul. Sehingga menyebabkan banjir, bahkan parahnya dapat merusak turbin waduk.

Diperkirakan setiap orangnya menggunakan 170 kantong plastik setiap tahunnya. Dan diperkirakan 500 juta hingga satu miliar kantong plastik digunakan didunia tiap tahunnya. Jika sampah-sampah ini dibentangkan, maka akan dapat membungkus permukaan bumi setidaknya 10 kali lipat!

Sejak proses produksi hingga tahap pembuangan, sampah plastik mengemisikan gas rumah kaca ke atmosfer. Kegiatan produksi plastik membutuhkan sekitar 12 juta barel minyak dan 14 juta pohon stiap tahunnya. Proses produksinya sangat tidak hemat energy dan pada tahap pembuangan di lahan penibunan sampah (TPA), sampah plastik juga mengeluarkan gas rumah kaca (CO2).

Salah satu teknologi yang dapat ditempuh untuk meminimalkan resiko dari plastik adalah dengan insinerasi. Teknologi insinerasi membutuhkan luas lahan yang lebihhemat dan disertai dengan reduksi volume residu yang tersisa (fly ash dan bottom ash) dibangdingkan dengan volume sempah semula. Ternyata pelaksanaan teknologi ini justru lebih banyak memberikan dampak negative terhadap lingkungan berupa pencemaran udara. Produk pembakaran yang terbentuk berupa gas buang Cox, NOx, Sox partikulat, dioksin, furan, dan logam berat lain. Selain itu proses insinerasi menghasilkan dioxin yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan, misalkan kanker, system kekebalan, reproduksi, dan masalah pertumbuhan.

Global Anti-Incerator Alliance (GAIA) juga menyebutkan bahwa inserator juga merupakan sumber utama pencemaran Merkuri. Merkuri merupakan racun saraf yang sangat kuat, yang mengganggu system motoric, system panca indra dan kerja sisatem kesadaran.

Belajar dari kegagalan program pengolahan sampah diatas, maka paradigm penanganan sampah sebagai suatu produk yang tidak lagi bermanfaat dan cenderung untuk dibuang begitu saja harus diubah. Produksi Bersih (Clean Production) merupakan salah satu pendekatan untuk merancang ulang industry yang bertujuan untuk mencari cara0cara pengurangan produk-produk samping yang berbahaya, mengurangi polusi secara keseluruhan, dan menciptakan produk-produk dan limbah-limbahnya yang aman dalam kerangka siklus ekologis.


Microsoft has set the next-generation operating system that is said to be named Windows 8. Preview version of Windows 8 has been released for developer partners. However, some bocorannya has reached the media.

One is the user interface feature called the ribbon. Looks like a menu that is used in Microsoft Office.
Menu drop down menu is replaced with a toolbar at the top. Ribbon in Office was originally designed for the features that have easily accessible so that users be more productive.

However, users of ribbon on the display of the operating systems have different purposes. One of them allows users on a touch screen-based devices. Previously, Microsoft did state that the next Windows version will fully support the tablet.

Nevertheless, the appearance of this ribbon is uncertain whether it will be used in the final version. Judging from its shape, it's still early development stage and not the final version which will use Microsoft.

In addition to the ribbon feature, the user interface of Windows 8, also featuring the Metro design used on Windows Phone. The user interface displays the hours and days, including the iconic power management and ease of access to applications.

Less than 4 year the iPhone was released to the market, which leaks the next generation while the iPhone mentioned 5 is started to circulate. For example, a recent report from the China Times, Tuesday (03/22/2011).

Mentioned in the report that the new generation smartphones from Apple is entering a period of trial production. Devices that will be clad in metal chassis is said to have been equipped with antenna technology is better and will be marketed starting third-quarter 2011.

One part that gets the attention of Apple, according to the report, is that a power antenna problem on the iPhone 4. On the iPhone 5 does not exist anymore because of problems down the connection strength attenuation while the lower ends of the handheld.

The report also reinforces previous rumors that the iPhone 5 will chip equipped near field communication (NFC). With this technology, users of the iPhone 5 can conduct direct transactions with the device closer to the means to pay based on wireless communication.

Earlier, The New York Times quoted two different sources stating that Apple has plans to add the NFC chip to the smartphone product. However, there is no confirmation whether it will be done from the iPhone 5.

China Times also said again that the iPhone 5 will use a wider screen, which is 4 inches. Reportedly, the screen size plus a current of 3.5 inches to 4 inches without increasing the overall size of the device, but reduce the size of the bezel or frame.

Finally, the iPhone 5 is probably already using Apple's dual-core processor A5. The processor was first used on the iPad 2's offer speed computation process nine times than that used in Apple's current A4.

Still from such leak s, Foxconn, which has been assembling Apple products in China, will expand its plant in
Brazil as demand continues to increase.Factory in Brazil may be used exclusively to make Apple products and will start operating in 2013.

From Kompas.com

ORLANDO, - Presenting a perfect product in the market is not easy. To attract greater consumer attention, Samsung and even redesigning the Galaxy Tab 10.1-inch tablets that had just announced a month ago. The announcement was made on the first day of CTIA Wireless 2011 in Orlando, Florida, which will last 22 to 24 March 2011.

Galaxy Tab tablets with 10.1-inch display first announced in the arena of Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011, 14-17 February 2011. This is the second variant of tablets made by Samsung. Previously, the first version uses 7-inch screen.

When introduced, the second tablet that has a thickness of 10.9 millimeters. With the redesign, reduced thickness 2.3 millimeters to 8.6 millimeters. Weighing was reduced to only 595 grams.

It makes it thinner than 0.2 millimeters iPad 2 that Apple's newly announced earlier this month. Not only that, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 inches is now also 6 grams lighter than the iPad 2.

Since Apple released iPad 2, which is lighter and thinner than the first version, the Samsung does a lot of the spotlight. Many analysts predict that South Korean manufacturers will think twice to release a tablet rival. This is in accordance comments Don-Joo Lee, VP of Samsung's Mobile Division, on March 4, 2011 and as reported by Yonhap.

In addition to redesigning the Galaxy Tab 10.1 inches, Samsung also released a third variant with 8.9-inch screen. Both these new tablets are both using dual-core processor 1 GHz and 3.0 or Honeycomb Android platform that has been optimally designed for tablets. Will present several options model with a memory capacity of 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB with features WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, 2 MP camera front and rear 3 MP camera.

The price is priced equally with iPad 2. Galaxy Tab 10.1 inches will be present from June 8, 2011 with prices starting at 499 U.S. dollar. While the Galaxy comes following a 8.9-inch tab with prices starting at 469 U.S. dollars.

Mozilla again rejected a proposal to develop a version of Firefox for the iPhone.
Mozilla states that they are more interested in focusing to develop software synchronization Firefox Home for

Firefox Home, which is available at Apple App Store last July is not a browser,
but the technology and synchronize your bookmarks that are provided in Firefox.

The application allows users to access the browser's bookmarks and history and also open Firefox tabs from
last session to them.
Applications for the iPhone it also provides the technology from Firefox's address bar that lets users search on
the page that has been visited by keyword or character.

However, synchronization can only be done one way, from Firefox on the desktop computer to the iPhone.
Not vice versa.

"People ask if we will be adding similar features to the Firefox browser Home. Unfortunately there are
technical limitations that make it difficult even do not allow us to build the Firefox browser for the iPhone,
"said Ragavan Srinivasan, Product Manager of Mozilla, as quoted from PCWorld, October 4, 2010.

Although Apple has clarified new policies for their App Store, but the competitor's browser still forbidden to
enter there except if they are willing to rewrite the program code for this browser.

Applications to surf the Internet should use IOS and the WebKit framework WebKit JavaScript 'guidelines
call Apple. Meanwhile,
Firefox uses the Gecko rendering engine and the TraceMonkey JavaScript own.

From vivanews.com

Google accused the Chinese government deliberately disrupt access e-mail service Gmail in the country.
Recent weeks, Gmail users admitted difficulties accessing these services the most popular.

In fact, Google itself says not having a technical problem with Google's main site or the Gmail service in
China. "There is no technical problem. We've done a thorough investigation," Google said in a statement on
Sunday (03/20/2011).

Analysts who track the development of networks say that the Chinese government may intentionally interfere
with access to Google
and other networking services as part of a campaign to tighten internet controls and censorship of material.

Beijing has long been known to have some system of strict controls on the Internet.
Especially after the Middle East conflict broke out in January 2011, the Chinese Government intensify the
control systems.

A year earlier, the Chinese Government does not get along with Google. Last year China protested Google's
censorship in the area by opening its services after accusing China rip off
the system and steal your Gmail account customers related human rights movement activists in the country.
Google finally decided to flee from China and moved to Hong Kong. There, the Chinese government in
controlling the power can be minimized.

Until now, the search engine Google and Gmail can still be accessed in China.
However, the government has the ability to block them. Many popular social media sites,
including YouTube, which is owned by Google, as well as Twitter and Facebook, blocked there.

Authority which regulates the protection of personal data in France dropped the penalty to the
Google of 100,000 euros, or about USD 1.25 billion. This is because Google is considered
disturbing the privacy of citizens during the recording scene with Street View of his vehicle.

"That is the biggest fine ever since we impose sanctions in the form of cash since 2004," said
Chief Kebebasaan National Information Commission (CNIL) Yann Padova, as reported by Le
Parisien on Monday (3/21/2011).

Fines are imposed because Google is considered not in good faith. indeed, citizens personal
data has been removed from the recording panoramic images collected by Google. However, it
evident that Google is also collecting data points hotspots private property without their

CNIL rate of data collection is not permitted under the rules of law in France. Because, with the
data Google can get a very large economic benefits.

Services began to run Google's Street View since 2007 for displaying three-dimensional scene on
a digital map online certain places. However, the data recording process sometimes invited
controversy. Not only in photographs, but also acts Google records information from the hotspot
that is passed along the journey. Such actions are feared to steal sensitive data such as
passwords or email.

From Kompas.com